About Me

I'm Taylor. My son was born in October of 2011 and has quickly become my proudest accomplishment in life. I'm short (5'3") and absolutely expect him to outgrow me any day now...just kidding, he's still a muchkin.

I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression, both of which I was officially diagnosed with after my son was born. I'm still learning how to cope with them and trying to ease myself into social situations.

I recently changed the name of this blog, so if you're wondering why I'm on your list of followed blogs, that's probably why. Either that or you were hacked by someone with wonderful taste (kidding!). I used to be called Duely Noted but have changed to Mom and Monster as a tribute to my son: Marky Monster!

My contact form can be found in another tab, or you can leave a comment below. I'm happy to hear from you!

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  1. Hi
    I'm a new follower from the you like me blog hop! I love reading your about me... I like the list! and I am so excited to read more of your blog! I am expecting too... due in August with my second! It's great to be a young momma!
    All the best!

  2. Use for the white crayon?

    Black paper! Or coloring on top of other colors!

    If you're going to work with kids one day, they'll love it!

  3. I'm on VoiceBoks too. See ya there!

  4. new follower! late but better than never from the UBP Check me out over at www.photobugmama.com although i don't discuss it much on the blog I also have anxiety disorder with social anxiety so I totally relate!!

    1. It's nice to know people get me! I'll be on over to check your blog out. :)


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