#UBP13 AFTER-party


I'm so glad I participated in this! What a great start to re-entering the blog world. I just love all of you mommy bloggers and the support that everyone gives one another. Thank you all for coming here.

I want to thank all of you from UBP who have come to leave me comments.

Ultimate Blog Party 2013Dreaming with Midnite
Tales of an Unlikely Mother
Our Butterfly Haus

You guys are awesome, and I know there are a lot of you who have come by that aren't from UBP! You guys are equally as awesome and I think you deserve recognition as well. ;)

Second Chances Girl from Bloggy Moms
Not Your Ordinary Psychic Mom from Bloggy Moms
Kid Crossing Barefoot from Tuesday link-up

I've followed everyone in return and look forward to reading more.


If I forgot anyone, your link might not have worked for me, and if I made any errors, then I'm probably just a terrible person. Just let me know in the comments or in my contact form!


  1. I love your font! What is the name of it? I'm trying to re-design my site.

    Just stopping by for some #ubp13 after-party meet n greet! Please visit my shop ouata.etsy.com and my site to say hello ouata.wordpress.com . :)

    1. My header is Amatic SC, page text is Open Sans, and post title is Josefin Slab. Not sure which one you were asking about. ;) I need to re-design here too, I just sort of threw something together!

      I will definitely stop by, thank you for coming!

  2. Oh wait! I lied, looks like I found you via UBP!

  3. Thank you for your post! There was so much happening during this week, I hardly had a chance to look at all the blogs at the UBP#13. Now that things are winding down, I am enjoying exploring your site and your blog suggestions.

    1. I'm with you there, I linked up and checked out a few and then ended up with all kinds of fun assignments for this 6 week stretch at school. Visiting everyone who comes by to return the favor until I get to the list myself. Thanks for stopping by! :)


Say something awesome.